Please print these instructions! Freemed is a freeware copy of Medical Micro Billing to provide medical billing for physicians and billing services. The software is multiuser and includes paper (HCFA) and electronic (NSF and HCFA) Medicare B and Commercial insurance claims, insurance tracking, patient billing, receivables, recall system and appointment scheduling. It should be noted that electronic claims (the so called National Standard Format) directly to Medicare varies in every state. You will probably not be able to use the ECS module enclosed for that reason. You will, however, be able to use a clearing house that accepts the print image of the HCFA-1500. This sofware is suitable for a home based billing business. This is a DOS based system but will run under windows. We do recommend that you shut down to DOS to avoid the bugs in Windows. Although labelled as freeware the author does charge for the optional warranty, technical support and updates. Notice: This software may be distributed as freeware under the following conditions: 1. No changes may be made to any of the files or programs. 2. All copyrights must remain in place. 3. No charge may be made for the distribution including the cost of media, shipping, handling or any other associated expense of distribution. Although it may be included in software libraries on CD's for which a nominal fee is charged no specific charge may be made for this software. If you have any questions you may contact the author, Bill Williams at 513-772-2723, email address or call the Micro Billing office listed on the first page of the manual. Before you begin installation be sure that you have at least 10mb of free space on your hard disk!! The setup file will create a directory named \MB, copy the program files to that directory, unpack the files and create your empty data files. To install the program go to the DOS prompt in your download directory and type: SETUP Follow the instructions that will be shown on the screen to print the manual. Begin reading the manual on page 4. To use this system you must: 1. Use the manual. 2. Use the Check Lists. 3. Each time you use a screen for the first time follow the instructions for that screen in Appendix A. 4. Become familiar with the Index. You must know how to process insurance claims in order to be able to enter data correctly. See the instructions on page 14 for converting your files. Do not attempt to convert all of your patient files by a certain date. You will almost certainly fail to meet that deadline. Special Instructions for Statements In addition to the self-mailers, there are three types of statement programs: 1. Standard small statement on a matrix printer. This program is the one you will use if you make no changes. If you have installed one of the other statements and want to return to this one, type: COPY 301S.EXE 301.EXE (enter) and COPY 405S.EXE 405.EXE (enter) at the DOS prompt in your billing directory. 2. Standard small statement on a laser printer. This program produces the same statement as #1 but centers it on the printer for use on a laser and also uses a form feed at the end of each statement. You may be able to test this program by typing 301LAS at the DOS prompt in your billing directory. To install this version type: COPY 301LAS.EXE 301.EXE (enter) and COPY 405LAS.EXE 405.EXE (enter) at the DOS prompt in your billing directory. 3. 8-1/2" x 11" statement for plain paper. You may be able to test this version by typing 301LONG at the DOS prompt in your billing directory. To install this version type: COPY 301LONG.EXE 301.EXE (enter) and COPY 405LONG.EXE 405.EXE (enter) at the DOS prompt in your billing directory. This statement is designed to fit a #9, two window envelope. See the Columbian C105 at Office Depot or Staples. Be sure to take a printed statement with you to be certain you get the correct envelope. Please note that the demand bill is not yet included in these changes. INSURANCE FORMAT FOR Y2K You will need to enter the century in the birth date of any patient and insured over the age of 99 (menu 2, screens 1, 2 and 3). Below is a list of the lengths that may be entered on menu 3, screen 4 for dates and the results they will produce on paper claims: Length of date...this will be printed...with this condition 6 MMDDYY 10 MM DD CCYY 8 MM DD YY if line 18 of the last screen in menu 3, screen 4 is set to NO 8 MMDDCCYY if line 18 of the last screen in menu 3, screen 4 is set to YES Birth year allows 2 or 4 producing YY or CCYY